to the online presentation of Wood Wholesaler Ales Beran, one of Czech leading wood product suppliers. We hope that not only our products, but also clients-friendly services will be mostly appreciated by you and your company will become another of our satisfied clients.

If you are not sure if your company can use our services or products, be aware of the fact that if you use wood, wood briquets, wooden products, biomass, pallets or any other returnable or one way wooden packaging units and suppliers service, you are in the right place.

We are a family business that highly cares about our client´s satisfaction. This approach and also the quality of our products help us to grow not only to the biggest player in West Bohemia, but to become second largest producer in Czech Republic. Our business is not limited to Czech republic only, in contrary, our clients are seated in Austria, Germany, Great Britain, and even Spain so as CEE clients benefit from output of our production.

Our clients are not only carpenters or construction companies and developers, but also heating plants, big energy producers, retail chain stores – they all welcome our short lead time and flexibility of our production. Our offer contains more than product, we submit Value Added

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